Chirashi Dinner

Chirashi Dinner $38.00 2-piece each of tuna, salmon, yellowtail, whitefish, shrimp,krabstick, octopus, sweet omelet, eel & 1 salmon roesashimi on bed of sushi rice with sesame...

Sashimi Dinner

Sashimi Dinner $37.00 3-piece each of tuna, salmon, yellowtail, whitefish, octopus,shrimp, krabstick, sweet egg...

Sushi & Sashimi Dinner

Sushi & Sashimi Dinner $34.00 Sushi nigiri (1-piece each of tuna, salmon, yellowtail,shrimp, eel)Sashimi, (3-pieces each of tuna, salmon, whitefish,Krabstick) with a California...